The Need
Our area currently has no fully equipped facility or program to support community fine arts education.
With the large population of homeschool students currently at over 200, and the great losses public school fine arts programs have suffered due to the pandemic, there is a need to close the gap and offer accessible instruction to the students of our community.
With the halt of Fine Arts programs in our community college, there is an even greater need to meet the needs of the adult population of our area.
Without a working Fine Arts Program at MAC, how do we continue to promote Fine Arts in the community with educational experiences for the general population?
The Solution
A fully equipped facility that will house multiple small classes and large ensembles to provide small group teaching as well as providing resources to recover the MAC Fine Arts performance groups.
Small group classes that will provide affordability for families and will provide generous dividends to the instructor..
Public recitals, private and public concerts/performances will bring visitors to the MAC campus and build rapport with students, families and community members.
Instruction will encompass theatre, vocal and instrumental music and in the near future, visual art.